Rules for Contractors

From time to time you may need work done in your unit, from minor repair to major renovation. When you employ a contractor to work in your unit, you are responsible for their behavior and actions. Our House Rules apply to everyone on site, including your employees.

In addition, our Rules of the House for Contractors for Owners lists the rules we enforce for contractors. To anticipate and prevent potential problems, you may want to download and print out the PDF version of the list and give it to your contractor.

  • You may be on property only while you are working on behalf of a Waikiki Banyan owner.
  • You must be identifiable as a contractor while on site.
  • Sign in with Security every day when you start work and sign out with Security when you are finished at the end of the day.
  • Hours during which you may use noisy equipment are 9 am to 5 pm. You may work quietly outside that time frame.
  • You will be allowed to park one (1) vehicle at Waikiki Banyan free of charge during your work hours. You must obey all Waikiki Banyan rules for vehicle operation and parking while your vehicle is on site.
  • Do not use Waikiki Banyan facilities which are intended for the use of residents and guests, such as recreation deck facilities.
  • You may purchase food and drinks at the 6th floor (recreation deck) Snack Bar or at the ground floor Mini-Mart.
  • Do not obstruct access ways to or through the building.
  • Do not tamper with, damage or modify any part of Waikiki Banyan common elements: that is, any part of the building outside the unit in which you are working.
  • Do not dispose of trash or rubbish generated in the course of your work in Waikiki Banyan trash rooms or trash chutes. You must take all construction debris off property for disposal.
  • Do not do anything which would create or cause a hazard to yourself or to others.
  • Do not do anything to cause a nuisance or generate complaints from residents.
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