Aloha WB Owners,

Please be advised the first REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING, is being held next week.

NOTICE OF MEETING:  Waikiki Banyan

REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS’ MEETING Thursday, January 19, 2023, at 2:30 PM – via Zoom Video/Audio Conference

Owners’ forum from 2:00 PM-2:30 PM


Attached is the agenda for the meeting.

1b. 1140 01.19.23 Notice.Agenda POSTING VERSION 2

The conference room in the AOAO Office will be available from 2pm for owners that wish attend the ZOOM meeting.

Please RSVP to as soon as possible, as space is limited.  We will require an ID on the day of meeting, to validate the unit owner attending.


AOAO Office